These are the 3 PC Boards
for the Micro Encoder You will need a piece of glass for the first step
in the process. I purchased a
6 x 8" piece of double weight glass from
a local glass store for $1.
Review the section on making
a good solder joint. It helps a lot if you didn't know how to before now.
For old hands
it is a good refresher.
Mark off the steps in the
manual as you go
Get the Analog/Digital board
marked 2035. Locate the four pressnuts from the hardware bag. Insert them
one at a time from the solder side of the board. Use a vice with smooth
Get out the strips of machined
socket pins. You will have to cut them into:
strips of 4 pins
8 strips of 7 pins
12 strips of 8 pins
2 strips of 9 pins
2 strips of 10 pins
Place them in the appropriate
holes on the two PC cards