After the horizontal stabilizer
was bolted into place, I epoxied in the front vertical stabilizer spar.
I used Trymer 2000 foam to fill in the VS. The Trymer was attached using
the spray can foam. A day went by letting the foam cure. I then sanded
the VS with a 2 x 4 with 50 grit paper on it.
The foam was filled with micro
and allowed to cure. It will be sanded to shape and a channel cut for
the antenna coax cable to run in. more micro will be applied over the
cable and sanded to shape.
I need to get
my COMM antenna made and installed here before I can glass the VS.
So stay tuned!
The rudder control horn was
made and tied into the Rod End Bearing Hinge. My Stainless rudder cables
have a swaged end put on them.